Saturday, January 21, 2006

it's late and i'm happy

hey ya'll! i just got home with nathan. we hung out with his friends tonight. first we went to the Riv and then to Jeremy's house to play poker. Ofcourse, I didn't play poker because I'm very inexperienced and although I've learned a few times, I always forget the jist of it.

He has very nice friends. Most of them are from Cheboygan. Since I didn't play poker (I'm going to have nate give me lessons) I mostly just talked and watched...but then I discovered that they have a gamecube, and they have ZELDA!!! So ofcourse I quickly started playing that and continued until we left.

I'm glad that nathan met such nice people in his classes and that they are good friends. I really miss the fact that most of my friends don't live very close anymore. It was always fun to be able to get 10 people together on the spur of the moment just to watch blind date and eat Gumby's in undergrad. I'm hanging out with my friends tomorrow (or I guess today).

My friend Stephanie is moving to Reno, Nevada on the 31st! She just accepted a job out there; so no more E.L. for Steph:(


I found a new internet game that I'm addicted to. It's called Cowmaze. There is also a Cowmaze 2. I already beat the first one; it has 42 levels. It's all in some language I don't know, but it's easy to figure out how to play. Just place the arrows on the gameboard with your mouse to guide the grey cow to the trophy! It's a great time waster.

i'm out! peace! goodnight.

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